More than 15 million Americans have reported that they suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In the following sections, we discuss some treatment solutions for COPD. Among them, red light therapy can help.
Read on to learn more about how RLT might help treat COPD and emphysema, as well as chronic bronchitis, to help free up airways, clear phlegm, and make for easier breathing. Check out the BIOMAX Series to find the ideal red light therapy panel for affordable, at-home use.
What Causes COPD?
COPD is most common from mid-life onward. It is most often caused by years of smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke.
This condition can also be caused by extensive exposure to household chemicals, industrial chemicals, or poor indoor air pollution. Infections and childhood asthma may be contributory factors.
Exposure to pollutants or other irritants can cause an inflammatory response in the lungs. This immune response interferes with cellular repair, causing overproduction of mucus in the airways. Excess mucus and inflammation interfere with airflow and may gradually damage or destroy the air sacs in the lungs.
The destruction of the alveoli triggers symptoms, including fatigue, difficulty breathing, and a chronic cough that may make it hard to engage in normal activities. Some of the symptoms are similar to asthma. It’s not uncommon for someone to have both asthma and COPD.
Red light therapy involves shining red and near infrared (NIR) wavelengths onto the skin where they are absorbed by light-sensitive organelles in each cell. This triggers several beneficial biochemical reactions at the cellular level.
The treatment stimulates cellular metabolism, reduces inflammation, and improves blood circulation. This has a positive impact on the respiratory system and overall health.
There are also a number of other methods for managing COPD, including lifestyle changes and medication, bronchodilators, steroids, oxygen, breathing exercises and surgery. It is often a holistic approach to medical treatment that provides the best chances of success.
Read on to learn more about how red light therapy may be able to contribute to lung healing to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of COPD.
How Red Light Therapy Promotes Lung Healing
Many studies have been done on the effects of red light therapy on COVID-19, asthma, and pneumonia.
Even though the pathology of these diseases is different from COPD, the same mechanisms of action are necessary for healing. These include reducing inflammation, increasing cellular metabolism, and increasing blood circulation.
Non-invasive application of red light therapy has shown many therapeutic effects on lung diseases, with better outcomes and reduced hospitalizations. The following studies demonstrate the benefits of red light therapy for COPD.
Reduced Inflammation and a Modulated Immune Response
Unchecked inflammation can potentially lead to fibrosis (thickening and stiffening) and ultimately the destruction of the alveolar walls, which make breathing extremely difficult.
In COPD, inflammation may not be restricted to the lungs. A patient may experience systemic inflammation which can lead to significant problems in organ systems not directly associated with COPD. These include cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
Red light therapy is well-known for its antioxidant properties and for reducing both localized and systemic inflammation.
The following studies highlight the effects of red and NIR wavelengths on the immune response and inflammation associated with COPD.
A 2023 review observed the effects of red light therapy on COPD and found several benefits including reduced inflammation.
COPD can have many causes including dust and chemicals. Researchers found that red light therapy reduced pulmonary inflammation in an animal study on asthma induced by dust mites and another study found the same results after formaldehyde exposure.
Red light therapy using 660-830nm red and NIR wavelengths reduces lung inflammation and inflammatory cytokine production to modulate the immune response in COPD patients.
An animal study found that red light therapy could reduce lung edema (buildup of fluid in the lungs).
Another study found that red light therapy supports the healing process by increasing apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in inflammatory cells.
Red light therapy has also been used to improve the immune system in a review of studies done on COVID-19 patients.
Improved Cellular Metabolism
Red light therapy increases the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This is essential to healing, since increased energy synthesis within the cells supports cells in performing their functions and repairing damage from pollutants and chronic inflammation.
Increased Circulation
Red light therapy acts as a vasodilator capillaries in the walls of the alveoli and promotes angiogenesis, or the formation of new blood vessels.
When applied to the chest area, red light therapy can treat almost the entire blood volume passing through the heart quite quickly due to the volume and speed at which blood circulates through the cardiovascular system.
Red Light Therapy for COPD Management
Red light therapy should be used as a complementary therapy to a doctor-prescribed treatment protocol for COPD.
Improved Muscle Function
Improving muscle function is a necessary part of COPD treatment. Red light therapy may have as much a part to play in this as prescribed medications.
Red light therapy supports the health of respiratory muscles. This helps the lungs more effectively push air in and out and promotes normal function of the alveoli, which are the tiny air sacs in the lungs.
Improving muscle function with red light therapy can increase the functional capacity of the lungs in COPD patients.
COPD patients also often suffer from skeletal muscle dysfunction characterized by a loss of muscle mass, strength, and endurance due to hypoxia, which is a lack of oxygen transport to the muscles. This harms exercise performance, while also indicating a poor overall prognosis.
Red light therapy minimized muscle fatigue and increased endurance time in patients with COPD, which could affect their capacity for exercise.
Improved Lung Function
Red wavelengths can ease respiratory symptoms, reduce hypoxia and pulmonary inflammation when the chest area is directly irradiated.
Researchers studied the effects of red light therapy on two middle-aged patients with acute infectious respiratory syndrome. It is believed these patients represented early COVID-19 patients.
Both patients had a variety of symptoms that included severe fatigue, headache, chest tightness, and respiratory difficulties. Both patients received several 15-minute red light therapy per week.
The treatment improved lung function, helped prevent fibrosis in the lungs, improved immunity, and reduced the incidence of lung injury. Both patients reported significant improvements in shortness of breath, chest pressure and tightness, and pain.
Both patients continued red light therapy to support recovery from chronic fatigue associated with the illness.
COVID-19 is a different situation than COPD, but the improvements in lung function, which lasted days after the treatments, could also benefit COPD patients.
Red Light Therapy for Lung Disease Prevention
Using light to treat lung diseases is nothing new. It’s customary for doctors to recommend daily exposure to sunlight and fresh air. Red light therapy delivers the most beneficial wavelengths without the risk of skin-damaging ultraviolet exposure, as our RLT devices do not emit UV waves.
Treatment before the onset of COPD could also help prevent a serious condition from developing, although there are clearly a host of other factors that health conscious individuals should take into account in the event of serious health concerns of this nature.
BIOMAX Series for Optimal Results
The BIOMAX Series panels feature a scientifically validated combination of red and near-infrared wavelengths, as well as trace amounts of blue light.
The larger BIOMAX series panels such as the BIOMAX 600 or the BIOMAX 900 are ideally suited for whole-body treatments. While treating the chest area from both front and back, you can also use red light therapy to improve gut health which is key to improving overall health.
Check out the most advanced consumer red light therapy panels on the market to start recovery today, affordably and in the comfort of your own home.