630 & 660 nm Wavelength Benefits of Red Light Therapy

R+ | NIR+: The Most Advanced LED Therapy Light Spectrum

Thanks to the extensive research and development efforts by its medical and advisory staff, PlatinumLED has made extensive breakthroughs in red light therapy technology to remain on the cutting edge of this technology as the pioneers and leaders in the space.

The new BIOMAX lights feature our patent pending R+ | NIR+ spectrum.

This merges seven different wavelengths of red and near infra-red light:  630nm, 660nm, 810nm, 830nm, 850nm, 1060nm plus a trace amount of 480nm in the blue region.

The PlatinumLED R+ array of LEDs emits an output of 630 & 660nm wavelengths, while the NIR+ array emits the 810nm, 830nm, 850nm and 1060nm, all in the same panel. 

In this article, we'll discuss the therapeutic value of each individual wavelength as well as the benefits of having skin exposure to multiple wavelengths simultaneously. 

We'll also explain why treatment is optimal in panels that emit wavelengths in different amounts simultaneously.  

Some panels offered elsewhere in the market make claims that having equal wavelength amounts offers better treatment. 

But this type of claim is often made by red light 're-sellers' that have little to no experience working with the actual science of complex spectral outputs.

Researchers have shown that having equal power distribution among all wavelengths in an RLT panel would be a serious design flaw, one that is likely to have occurred due to an RLT vendor's confusion about what the optimal therapeutic dosages should be or lack of knowledge regarding the concept of spectral emission and the spectral absorption coefficient.



In an RLT panel, biphasic dosage is needed to account for the reality that the body absorbs wavelengths at different rates. In other words, wavelengths should not all be emitted at the same intensity. 

Overexposure or underexposure to some wavelengths is, at the very least, ineffective.   

It is for this reason that our panels have a wavelength intensity that reflects the spectrum of skin absorption coefficients for optimal dosage. 

This is the entire core concept of Red/NIR Light Therapy: Emitting the ratio of different wavelengths of light according to what is actually being absorbed by your body in this exact ratio. This is what only PlatinumLED delivers.



An LED Output Optimized for Skin Absorption 

In the BIOMAX Series, both R+ & NIR+ spectrum arrays are used in conjunction with one another to deliver unmatched therapeutic value that has never before been witnessed in an LED therapy light device.

The result is a superior LED therapy light that powerfully penetrates through skin, muscle and connective tissue, promoting healing and cellular regeneration all the way to and through the bone.

Superior light penetration stems from from multi-wavelength red and near infra-red spectral output.


RLT Treatment and Research 

PlatinumLED prides itself as being at the forefront of LED light therapy innovation. Our goal is to harness the power of red, near infra-red, and blue light to provide consistent and effective at-home treatment.

The development of our product is informed by a multitude of peer-reviewed studies that investigate the benefits and applications of RLT.  

The secret to the patent pending PlatinumLED R+ | NIR+ output is to create a spectrum of light that harnesses the most optimal wavelengths of light in the exact ratios according to the spectral absorption coefficient of the human body while also creating a synergistic combination when all are used together. 



LED Panel Wavelength Intensity Distribution

The BIOMAX Series is truly unique, thanks to the 13+ years of PlatinumLED's extensive experience as the pioneer of high power LED therapy lights and even beyond this, designing LED spectral output for a variety of applications.

Harnessing the most biologically effective wavelengths is the key to optimizing the benefits of red light and near-infrared light therapy.

The LED Outputs

The R+ array of LEDs emits an output of 20% 630nm and 80% 660nm.

Meanwhile, the NIR+ array of LEDs emits an output that consists of 10% 810nm wavelength, 10% 830nm wavelength, 72% 850nm wavelength and 8% 1060nm.

The blue 480nm is a trace amount at 2% which is optimal for its application.

This ratio of output by the various wavelengths matches as closely as possible the curve of spectral absorption by the human body.



Remember that while absorption peaks at 660nm and 850nm, there is a curve surrounding that peak with lessening absorption away from that peak. 

Emitting wavelength ratios that are in proportion to what is actually being absorbed by the body is the entire cornerstone of advanced multi-spectrum emission, and one that PlatinumLED has mastered over its 12+ years studying RLT and its therapeutic benefits.

This combined spectral output offers all of the recognized benefits of each wavelength, along with the unique combined effect of all six wavelengths. 



When you combine this R+ component as 50% of the output along with the NIR+ component that has the other 50%, you cover the entire array of LED light therapy in the levels of optimization exactly according to the coefficient of spectral absorption by the human body.

There is a very precise science to this selected ratio of wavelengths which is backed by extensive studies into human absorption of light wavelengths. 

This is why every amount of LEDs are carefully chosen and analyzed to these exact standards. 


The Therapeutic Spectrum: Combining the Benefits of Seven Wavelengths

Certain near-infrared and red light wavelengths are recognized for the unique therapeutic and regenerative results they offer the body.

The red light spectrum extends from approximately 620 nm to 750 nm. The red light wavelengths that have the most scientifically proven benefits are 630 nm and 660 nm.  Near-infrared starts at 750 nanometers and extends all the way to 1,200 nm.

Near-infrared wavelengths that have been scientifically proven to yield benefits for humans include the 810 nm, 830 nm, 850 nm and 1060 nm wavelengths. 

Wavelengths outside of these ranges quickly decrease in their penetration and absorption capabilities. Not only this, but certain red and near-infrared wavelengths are recognized as offering unique therapeutic and regenerative results for the body and brain.

Various published scientific studies have shown that near-infrared in the lower range can penetrate the body and bones more effectively than higher wavelengths.

These two zones of absorption from 620nm - 660nm and 800nm-850nm are what's known as the "action zone." Covering this zone in entirety in the right ratio is what basically turbo charges the performance of our LED therapy lights



As you may know by now, both the 660nm and 850nm wavelength has been extensively proven to provide expansive skin and deep tissue therapy which PlatinumLED already includes in all devices.  

However, the 630nm wavelength, 810nm wavelength and the 830nm wavelength also offer a myriad of benefits for health and well being.

In 2016, Dr. Hamblin, One of the world’s leading experts on red light therapy and near-infrared light therapy conducted further research and reviews demonstrating the incredible ability of 810nm and 830nm near-infrared wavelengths to treat the brain while the 630nm red wavelength extends the massive cellular benefits in the upper skin area. 

Now, let’s take a look at the five red and near-infrared wavelengths included in the PlatinumLED R+ | NIR+ spectral output and uncover what they are capable of achieving!



The 630nm Wavelength (Red Light)

The 630nm wavelength is ideal for targeting all manner of skin issues. 630nm wavelengths penetrate into the skin cells and sebaceous glands to rejuvenate the skin’s tone and texture by smoothing and evening out uneven pigmentation. 

This wavelength has also been found to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and can also stimulate hair regrowth.

The 630nm wavelength offers the following benefits:

Reduced fine lines and wrinkles

In one study, the 630nm wavelength was combined with other beauty treatments such as microneedling to create a statistically significant treatment for photodamage, fine lines and sagging.

An improvement in skin disorders such as psoriasis

Another study showed that the use of the 630nm wavelength used in conjunction with hematoporphyrin derivative (HPD) helped to eradicate the symptoms associated with psoriasis within 17 days.

Hair regrowth

Red light therapy containing the 630nm wavelength has been proven to be a safe and effective method of stimulating hair growth in both men and women. One study hypothesized that the light stimulated stem cells in the hair follicle, encouraging the hair follicle into an anagen or growth phase.

Healing of superficial skin cancers

Wavelengths of 630nm have been shown to help in the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancers

The treatment of acne

The 630nm wavelength has also been shown to help reduce inflammation and breakouts



The 660nm Wavelength (Red Light)

There is an abundance of literature outlining the benefits offered by the 660nm wavelength. Penetrating just a little deeper than the 630nm wavelength, the 660nm reaches into the entire range of the skin tissue to promote healing and regeneration.

Some of its diverse benefits include:

Reduced training fatigue

The 660nm wavelength teamed with the 830nm near-infrared wavelength has been proven to delay the development of fatigue in the muscles, and enhance skeletal muscle performance

Reduced inflammation 

In a study investigating the effects of red light therapy on pleurisy, the 660nm wavelength was found to have an anti-inflammatory effect

Improved bone healing

The 660nm wavelength encourages resorption and formation in the bone cells around the location where repair is needed, without causing any change to the bone structure. 

Reduced swelling following injury 

In one study, the 660 nm wavelength was found to reduce both inflammation and swelling by reducing the number of inflammatory cells which lead to the formation of swelling.

Reduced neuropathic pain

A study investigating sciatic nerve pain in rats found that the 660 nm wavelength significantly helped to reduce pain

Accelerated wound healing

The 660 nm wavelength has been proven to increase the formation of new blood vessels and enhance collagen deposition to help in the healing of wounds



The 810nm Wavelength (Near-infrared Light)

The 810nm wavelength offers a unique array of neurological benefits, including the ability to project all the way into the brain.

Many forward-thinking scientists are of the belief that light therapy for brain disorders will become a prominent medical treatment in the near future.

Expect to reap the following benefits from the 810nm wavelength:

Improved healing and recovery 

A study of soccer players showed that the 810nm wavelength applied before activity enhanced muscular performance and post-exercise recovery.

Accelerated wound healing

810nm wavelengths have been shown to help expedite wound healing, helping the tissue to granulate more rapidly.

Improved recovery from stroke in certain patients

One study conducted among stroke patients showed that wavelengths of 810nm provided neuroprotective benefits and improved recovery among sufferers of moderate to severe strokes.

Five days after the stroke, there was significant improvement among those who had been treated with the 810nm light therapy, compared to those who hadn’t.

Ninety days post-stroke, 70% of the treated patients had a successful outcome, compared with only 51% of the control group.

Improved recovery from traumatic brain injury

810nm has been proven in animal models to be particularly effective in fostering recovery from traumatic brain injuries, and reducing long-term neurological damage.

Improvement in psychiatric disorders

Prescription drugs for psychiatric conditions have long been recognized as having a limited ability to assist individuals suffering from psychiatric conditions.

What’s more, pharmacotherapeutic medication often carries a host of unwanted side effects, while near-infrared light therapy doesn’t. 810nm wavelengths applied to the forehead have been shown to assist patients suffering from major depression and anxiety

Hair growth

Studies have shown the 810nm wavelength can encourage significant hair growth in patients with androgenetic alopecia. 



The 830nm Wavelength (Near-infrared Light)

The 830nm wavelength is not as readily absorbed by the body, therefore it is able to penetrate deeper through the body's skin and tissue into the bone.

A greater quantity of photons are delivered into the tissue with the 830nm wavelength.

The 830nm wavelength's use in the BIOMAX RLT Panels delivers the following advantages:

Accelerated healing and reduced infection

Like the 810nm wavelength, 830nm accelerates healing in wounds of different severity and helps to ward off infection.

Improved aesthetic outcomes following plastic surgery

Swift exposure to 830nm wavelengths hastens recovery after aesthetic surgery, reduces downtime and enhances the results of surgery by reducing swelling, infection, bruising and pain, therefore leading to greater patient satisfaction.

Increased “feel-good” endorphins

830nm wavelengths increases the release of endorphins. 

Improved bone repair and growth

An animal study demonstrated that 830nm light therapy improves bone repair by stimulating new bone growth. Red light therapy helps animals with their bone health in a variety of ways, including dogs and horses. 

Faster return-to-play after injury

The ability to return-to-play as swiftly as possible after injury or trauma is a key concern for any amateur or professional athlete. 830nm LED light therapy has been proven to significantly and safely reduce injured benchtime for both pro and amateur athletes. 



The 850nm Wavelength (Near-infrared Light)

The 850nm wavelength is the signature PlatinumLED near infra-red wavelength and constitutes 80% of the BIOMAX spectral range.

In many cases, the 850nm amplifies the benefits provided by the 810nm and 830nm wavelengths.

This wavelength has a range of therapeutic applications such as:

Anti-inflammatory benefits

850nm wavelengths can help to reduce joint and muscle pain and diminish general inflammation in the body.

Enhanced muscle recovery

A study observed the use of 850nm wavelengths on athletes, and found that usage of the near-infrared light increased muscle mass after training, and decreased inflammation and oxidative stress in muscle biopsies.

Healing of wounds in the skin

Lesions heal faster when exposed to 850nm wavelength light therapy. 

Reduction of lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation

850nm can support the production of collagen, assisting with plumper, more radiant-looking skin, and a more uniform texture. 

Orthodontics and tooth alignment

The use of the 850nm wavelength can foster the speedy realignment of teeth for patients undergoing orthodontics. 



The 480nm Wavelength (Blue Light) 

480nm is the newest addition to the BIOMAX panels, at 2% strength of the overall panel light intensity.  

Blue light therapy for anti-aging and reduction of skin wounds

In addition to its anti-aging qualities, blue light therapy can lead to a significant reduction in the visibility of wounds on the skin. Hematonin and melanin can absorb blue light, potentially causing an increase in oxygen transport.   

Healthy and effective acne treatment

Blue light therapy destroys acne-causing bacteria on the surface of the skin, also treating underlying inflammation. This is also most effective when combined with red light therapy.  

Repair sun damage and treat precancerous lesions and skin cancer 

Early studies show that blue light therapy could have anti-cancer properties, given that it neutralizes B16F10 melanoma skin cancer cells

Treatment of chronic skin inflammatory conditions

Blue light therapy treats skin inflammation, reducing the likelihood of flare-ups and treating those that do occur, quickly. 

Overall, blue light therapy has significant skin benefits to the skin and helps treat a variety of ailments. Meanwhile, it is non-invasive and drug-free. 

Now that the wavelengths have been discussed individually, let’s take a closer look at how blue light therapy and red light therapy work better when combined in the new BIOMAX panels


The Synergistic Benefits of Blue and Red Light Therapy 

One of the best aspects of the panels is that they offer blue light therapy and red light therapy treatment simultaneously. 

Blue and red light therapy are even more powerful when used synergistically together to cover an even wider array of light wavelengths, especially for full-body skin treatment. 

This is because, when combined, they help treat the following. 

  • Reducing inflammation to treat a variety of skin conditions.
  • Full body treatment stimulates the mitochondria, which can support brain health. 
  • Blue light kills bacteria on or near the surface of the skin, whereas red light simultaneously treats infections deeper in the skin. 
  • Together, they stimulate collagen synthesis, which treats acne and acne scarring, while improving skin quality. 
  • When combined, blue and red light therapy promote blood flow to help support skin health. 

The numerous benefits mean that RLT panels with the added feature of a 480nm blue light wavelength are more effective than those without.


Home Red Light Therapy Treatment Solutions

Combine these six wavelengths, and our panels are the most powerful and advanced near infra-red LED light therapy devices on the market.

PlatinumLED Therapy Lights emit more than double the energy output of leading competitor brands. This is thanks to our many years in design and development to make ultra high power LED panels.

Take a look at the BIOMAX series to find home RLT panels that are affordable, easy to use, and effective for long-term treatment. 

Meanwhile, the SaunaMAX Pro has all the features of the BIOMAX Series, but can be used for in-sauna treatment. It's the ideal panel for red light therapy users who also have a home sauna.