We sometimes hear concerns about the effects of the electromagnetic field (EMF). Electronic devices, such as LED therapy devices, emit an electromagnetic field as a by-product of the energy they use and create. Users frequently question us about whether it’s healthy or safe to stand in close proximity to a red light therapy device, or if there is any danger posed by the EMFs the device produces.
This post is designed to educate you about EMFs, their safety, and the extensive measures we at PlatinumLED have taken to protect you from unwanted exposure to EMFs.
In addition to this post, we've created a live EMF testing and verification video which is shown below:
What Is EMF, Exactly? How About RF?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) surround us constantly but are invisible to the human eye. EMFs can be both natural or human-made. For example; the earth has it own magnetic fields and frequencies, such as the magnetic field which causes compasses to orient towards the north. Artificial or unnatural EMFs are those created by humans--think microwaves, and mobile phones.
EMFs release energy that is emitted in a sinusoidal wave pattern which oscillates in peaks and troughs. Electrical devices emit low-frequency electromagnetic fields, which means the wavelengths are long, whereas X-ray machines generate higher frequency, more rapid wavelengths.
Electromagnetic fields are comprised of both electrical fields and magnetic fields. An electrical field exists wherever a positive or negative electrical charge is present, whether the device is turned on or not. Electrical fields are measured in volts.
Magnetic fields arise when a current is flowing (when the device is turned on). The higher the current, the stronger the magnetic field. The density of magnetic fields is measured in microtesla or millitesla.
In electrical devices such as a red light therapy device, we consider both electric and magnetic fields together, comprising an electromagnetic wave that occurs at a radio frequency (RF). You can see in the diagram above that radio frequency refers to a specific range of electromagnetic waves per second.
Our LED therapy lights posses a massive output of light strength - the most powerful on the market today - which is incredible news for users looking to harness the power of red and near-infrared light to promote healing and well being. Is there a cause for concern about the electromagnetic field associated with this output?
Why Are There Concerns About EMF?
Electromagnetic fields can be characterized by low-frequency wavelengths, or high-frequency wavelengths (again, take a look at the image above).
Low-frequency and high-frequency electromagnetic fields affect the human body in distinctive ways. Higher frequency wavelengths carry so much energy they sometimes break bonds between molecules, damaging cells or DNA. High-frequency EMFs are known as ionizing radiation.
Lower frequency wavelengths are unable to break chemical bonds between molecules and are therefore called non-ionizing radiation. Red light therapy devices represent an example of a low-frequency electromagnetic field that emits non-ionizing radiation.
According to the World Health Organization, low-frequency electromagnetic fields represent a lesser source of danger to the human body than higher frequency EMFs. There is little conclusive evidence that they can cause harm or adverse side effects in humans such as harming DNA or cells directly.
The long-term health effects of low-frequency EMFs are still not well understood though. For example, there is no proof that there is a causal relationship between the radio frequency electromagnetic field of a cell phone and adverse health effects. However, there is ongoing research investigating whether low-frequency EMF exposure may result in fatigue, dizziness, loss of concentration, or sleep disturbances.
With a lack of conclusive evidence, it’s obviously wise to take precautionary measures to limit EMF exposure, even if the EMFs emitted by red light therapy devices are at the lower end of the spectrum.
Also Read: R+ | NIR+: The Most Advanced LED Therapy Light Spectrum
All Electrical Devices Create EMF - ALL of them.
The main concept that you need to remember is that any and all electrical devices create some kind of EMF as a by-product of using electricity. All of them. Every single one of them. It is literally impossible for a device to have electrons flowing and the device to not create EMF. What the key difference is in all of this, is how you mitigate and protect against the EMF from radiating. While you can't stop EMF from being created, you can stop it from spreading.
PlatinumLED Devices Safeguard You From EMF Exposure
We’ve taken the utmost precaution in engineering and designing our PlatinumLED red light therapy devices to safeguard you from any unnecessary exposure to EMFs.
You can rest assured that when you use our low emf red light therapy devices, you won’t be exposing yourself to unwanted EMFs, because we’ve integrated advanced components into our devices to serve as a barrier.
All of our red light therapy devices are emf shielding device which prevent the LED drivers, the LED board, and the power cables from emitting EMFs.
We have ZERO EMF emissions at the minimum usage distance of four to six inches. Zero.
EMFs are strongest closest to the source of the charge or the charged conductor, but their strength rapidly diminishes as the distance from the source of the charge increases. This means that if you undertake your daily red light therapy at a distance of four to six inches from the device, you’re receiving the optimal benefits of red and near-infrared light wavelengths, with zero EMF exposure at all.
How do you know that what we’re saying is true? We performed a simple but transparent test using an EMF detector and filmed it. Watch the video here or above in this post to learn more about EMFs and how you are protected from them when you use PlatinumLED devices.
While many companies may make claims regarding strength of output or EMF reduction, it's wise to believe nothing until you see it. Remember that anyone can type anything into a website and call it fact. ALWAYS demand video verification.
Our Bottom Line
Our commitment is to deliver you the most sophisticated, powerful red light therapy devices with low emf light bulbs on the market while protecting you from EMFs. This is not a guarantee other red light therapy providers can make. Unless other manufacturers can provide video evidence that their devices shield you from EMF exposure, steer clear. Low EMF to almost zero emission is always ideal.
PlatinumLED red light therapy devices are simply the most technologically advanced devices available. Everything we do is informed by science and safety, to ensure you enjoy outstanding results from this powerful light-based healing modality.
The BIOMAX Series are the most advanced consumer red light therapy panels on the market.
The BIOMAX Series panels also offer adjustable intensity and wavelength exposure, so users can choose between R+, NIR+, and 480nm blue light therapy treatment or a combination of these wavelengths with ease at any time.
Meanwhile, the SaunaMAX Pro has all the features of the BIOMAX Series, but can be used for in-sauna treatment. It's the ideal panel for red light therapy users who also have a home sauna.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are symptoms of EMF sensitivity?
Ans: EMF radiation causes sleep disorders such as insomnia, headaches, depression and depressive symptoms, exhaustion, and weariness.
Q. How can you protect yourself from EMF?
Ans: Allow your body to breathe. Laptops and tablets should not be used on your lap. Keep your phone out of your pocket. When making a phone call, do not hold your phone up to your ear. Instead, use a corded headset.